Two Weeks On
An Update:
Time for an update from the Simple Slow Road Crew!
We’ve been back at the Farm for around two weeks now, and it feels like a lot has gone on in that time…
Our dogs and cats were happy that we were back; however on our arrival home it was blatantly obvious that our two cats were even more frail than when we had left, and over the next few days they quickly deteriorated even more – to the point that we contacted one of our favourite Vets and discussed with her and arranged for her to come to the Farm on the the weekend, and together we would put the cats down.
We were very fortunate that J could come to the Farm, as it made for a totally stress-free passing for the cats, and all three dogs could be there and be involved with what ended up being a truely beautiful time, despite the grief that surrounded it.
They were in their 18th year, and were in our arms, and were surrounded by Love and Family.
Born together, lived their whole lives together, went over the rainbow bridge together, and are buried together in a beautiful spot on our Farm.
Since a few days before we arrived home, it has mostly been raining each day, and we’ve had a few wicked monsoonal storms.
We have been lucky enough to have had a couple of non-rainy days, in which we have rushed around and got all the mowing of the house yard and paddock done, but it hasn’t been dry long enough for the ground, the bus or the house to properly dry out; and everything has that slightly damp feeling that is all-pervasive during monsoon season.
Henrys woes:
There are still ongoing issues with good ole Mr Henry MoHo, our bus.
The aircon still doesn’t work, and we still have the leaking in a couple of places throughout.
The aircon guy has said that we now need to replace the interior part of the unit, and at that point we will have a whole new aircon.
We’re not totally convinced it’s not an issue with water getting into the electrics – with the leaks we have – so we’re waiting until after the new year (and some bloody dry weather!) to test out our theory before we commit to doing the suggested repairs.
We have settled on someone to do the resealing of the motorhome part of the bus, but as with the majority of Tradies – we can’t get a booking slot until the silly-season and new year break in business trading is over with.
We’ve purchased the new vent for the bathroom, and two maxifanns to replace the current vent hatches in the attic (luton) and bedroom, so we will be having those installed as soon as we can get a time-slot as well.
A Big Roo:
Sadly, it looks like our little town-car Remi may not be fixable, as far as the Insurance Company is concerned.
Last week the Short One was driving to visit a friend when a humongous kangaroo leapt out of some long grass on the side of the road, straight into the left front corner of the car, and then rolled over the bonnet, windscreen and the roof.
The car has been well smashed up, and sadly we’re expecting the Insurance to deem it to be a write-off.
He’s been a bloody brilliant lil car during the time we’ve had him, and we’re already feeling the loss of not having him available to jump into and go on adventures.
(even if the adventure is just to go do the grocery shop!)
The Insurance has organised for him to be collected and then assessed in mid-January, so we won’t know the verdict until then…
Its not long until the Christmas / Silly-Season is upon us, so we’d like to take a moment to wish you all a very happy time, and that you stay safe and hopefully get some down-time with people you cherish around you.
Also, thank you for your support during our Adventures, both on the road; and at our home on the Farm.
We’ll be back in the New Year with more updates, so until next time – happy travels, and make the moments matter.
another beautiful rose from our garden
Fredita has been a busy girl…
baby Freds and Freditas
the memorial for our 2 lovely pusska boys
that roo hit hard!
poor crumpled lil Remi
All the love Chickens – all the love ❤️
and to you chicken-lips xx ❤️