Queensland,  TRAVEL

d20 – 3wk shakedown



Another night of musical beds, and containers and bags catching water.
Despite that, plus the bed-hopping dog, and the oppressive humidity, we all slept pretty ok.


– we finally copped a break!
Mid morning this morning, and the day before we were due to go home, one of the other Park people (boss?) came to see how we were doing and we got to talking about the leak – of course!

He asked if we’d like him to grab his ladder and go up and have a look to see if he could put some silastic on any suspect spots?
Would we ever!!!

So up he went on his lovely big ladder, with his tube of silicone and slapped some around up there – so we’ll see how it goes when the next round of scuds come through.

‘Ere we gooo:

Right on cue – in the middle of the afternoon – a crazy windy torrential downpour came through.
We waited about 15 minutes, then made our way to the bed to see how the repairs had gone 
and there it was – water coming down the wall, and drips coming from the pelmet.
 It was still there…

We were sooooo optimistic about it too – dammit!

At least the guy had tried for us – and that meant a lot.

Back to arranging the water-catchment plan.


It was decided that because the steak sandwich was so good yesterday, and being that the Tall One wanted another, we toddled off around midday to go and get her another one.
It was just as good, from all reports.

We also got a garlic prawn topper – most of which we bought home – and used it to have on top of steak for dinner, which was served with a side of pasta.

We haven’t tried the aircon at all today – we’re saving the ‘trying it’ for bedtime again; and crossing our fingers – but not holding up much hope.

Tomorrow we do the last leg on our drive home.
It will be sad – and it will be lovely…

Until next time – happy travels, and make the moments matter.


pre-storm beach walk


doesn’t everyone love driftwood?!


rest time after beach-walks


pre-lunch drinks for the girls
(Mabi had water!)


that sanga was gooooood!

drop us a note & say hi!

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