d17 – 3wk shakedown
It absolutely poured rain overnight!
When it was finally time for us to get up and during the usual morning stretch (as ya do), we realised that all the underneath of the Short Ones pillow, the mattress and the cushion underneath the mattress, was absolutely soaked through.
On further exploration through-out Henry, we found 2 more leaks.
1 in the bathroom – which had made some of our hanging clothes wet – and a teeny one above the cupboard where the Tall One sits in the dining alcove.
Running Repairs:
When we got back from our morning walk, Mabi hopped straight into our bed and crashed, and we unloaded the bathroom so we could investigate the damp in there.
A break in the weather meant that we could duck out and test the theory that the sealant in the top of the bedroom window was lacking, so we used some sealing gaffa tape that we have on hand following another snafu early last month, and we taped the sides and above the window to test how it fared during the next (inevitable) downpour.
In the bathroom, we decided that as we were going to replace the whole vent in there when we get back home, that we would just cut out the screen so that we could easily get to the rubber seal which we noticed was buckled, which had obviously happened when the ‘tradie’ cracked the vent cover whilst working on the roof before we left home.
With the rubber seal back seated properly around the lip of the vent, and the lid then wound back down firmly, the leak stopped.
After checking on ur earlier taping work, we found that we’re pretty sure we temporarily fixed that leak too!
Well, its been a couple of hours of steady rain, and there’s no water coming down the wall, so we’re hopeful..
Double yaaay.
We think we might know where the third and final leak is, but we dont have a ladder high enough to reach it right now, but will check our theory on that as soon as we do.
Thankfully its barely a blip.
Due to the feral weather (still!) we decided to watch a movie in the middle of the day.
Soooo – the start of the ‘Sappy Christmas-Movie Season‘ that the Tall One so loves – has begun!
Until next time – happy travels; and make the moments matter.
in a moment of fleeting sunshine, we made an ‘anti-flap kit’ for the awning.
this is the $2.50 SimpleSlowRoad version.
cutting away the flyscreen to fit a leak
using tape to hopefully temporarily fix where the water is getting in around the window
its sooo bloody wet the frogs aren’t even bothering to hide anymore!
Ohh lordie lordie
But ever prepared and capable! xxx
Bloody tryin!!! X